Monday, July 23, 2007

On a volcano's edge...

Alright, alright.

I've sat down... a lot... and thought about what I wrote about earlier today. There's nothing that I said there that I would un-say; I merely wish to say...

I'm in a great mood.

That blurb helped me out, a lot, and though many people may find it morose or cynical or a majority of other depressive names; I find it relieving. I really enjoyed writing it, and reading it, and thinking about it for part of the day. I said it at the beginning of the last entry—it had been a long time since I have written anything, anywhere. I kept looking at 'my little black book'; my paper diary that I keep my utmost thoughts and revelations in, but I couldn't bring myself to pick up the pen.

I've been drinking a bit tonight. My Uncle made a wonderful shrimp and mushroom dish with a white wine sauce. I, uh... made the rice. Of course I don't believe in using a wine in cooking that you would not drink, so I selected at the grocery store a wine that I'm particularly fond of—though don't ask me the name because I never remember names. It's the one with the cyclist on the front. Yes, it's an under $10 bottle (le gasp!), you wine freaks; but we're on a budget here.

...I've always been on a budget.

Still the wine is now sitting nice and warm in my belly, though there is not near enough to make me tipsy, or a little drunk or anything. Just warm and wanting to write a lot. OK, maybe a little tipsy.

I have to keep it under control since I've got work early tomorrow morning. Erm... early for me.

I've spent the day reading Christopher Paolini's 'Eragon', something I've avoided since I hate young published writers with a vengeance. It's an entertaining story, but as I'm only a third of the way through I'll reserve my final judgment... and then watch the movie to see how true it is to the book (though I've heard 'not very').

This is not a book I would have chosen for myself; my little sister forced me into it. Blame her!

... I finished reading Gaston Leroux's “Phantom of the Opera” day before yesterday. It took much longer to read then I expected, but it was pretty good. A few parts gave me goosebumps, which is hard to do since I'm generally calm when it comes to reading. I'm getting more and more into the stories with age, I figure. Next is that book 'Civilization', though I cannot recall what the authors name is and am too hooked at this computer (LAZY) to go and find it.

But today was a good day. I got a well amount of work finished (4.5/hrs=$90!) and tomorrow I'll be heading to the local community college to figure out the financial aide paperwork. I do hope I'll be able to do a part-time school schedule, since I'm not living at home anymore. I think full time would kill me. Scratch that. I KNOW full time would kill me.


-Lady Teigra-

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